© 2025 Mother Cabrini Shrine, Golden Colorado. All Rights Reserved.

Group Retreats

Our Story

In 1912, Mother Cabrini established the vision of the Shrine’s property to be a place of quiet refuge—at the time, it was a summer home for the girls from Queen of Heaven Orphanage. Through the years and through the generosity of our benefactors, Mother Cabrini Shrine conınues to provide a place of retreat and recollection.

Group Overnight Retreats

Stone House

10-28 Retreatants Occupancy,
$100.00 per person per night, includes 3 meals.

The Historically Registered three-story Stone House was commissioned to be built by Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini in 1912 and constructed in the 1920s. The Stone house features:

  • Three levels: 10 bedrooms, 28 Twin beds
2 community bathrooms and 2 single bathrooms
Private Chapel, about 40 Retreatant capacity
Sun Room that is great for meetings
Great Room on the first floor is great for movies,
 presentations, gathering, etc.

The Stone house was originally used as a summer home for the Queen of Heaven Orphanage, run by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Denver, CO.


1-3 Retreatants Occupancy,
$100.00 per person per night stay, includes 3 meals.

As a part of the original property, the Hermitage is attached to our red storage barn, and gives one an experience that is remote and isolated. The Hermitage features

  • Incredible view of the 22 foot Statue of the Sacred Heart 
 of Jesus
  • Living room with Kitchenette: full-sized refrigerator,
 microwave, and sink
  • One bedroom: one Full bed and two Twin beds
  • One full bathroom

Group Day Retreats

For our guests, we provide a space conducive to retreats, talks, half or whole day seminars, strategic planning sessions, and more! From the functionality of our space to the friendliness of our staff, we work hard to ensure you have a flawless event!

Conference Room

10-50 capacity,
$25.00 per person includes lunch
  • We provide meals, Projector
 Screen and Projector, T.V. for
 showing DVDs, Portrait Dry Erase
 Board and markers, Podium,
 counter space for check-in and
 snacks, etc.
Coffee, Hot Tea, Ice Water are
 available for $20.00


The chapel is currently under renovation and will be available in July 2023. Capacity will be 350.

Host a Private Mass, Adoration,
 Confession, Prayer Service


1-12 capacity,
$25 per person, includes lunch

A comfortable Living room and

Stone House

1-35 capacity

Flat Rate to reserve the Stone House for a Day retreat.


Mass Times

Daily Mass
Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.

Sunday Mass
8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in English
2:00 p.m. in Spanish

Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in English
Saturdays immediately after the 8 a.m. Mass in English or Spanish

Shrine Hours (Grounds)

7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Gift Shop & Office Hours

9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday & Sunday