Mother Cabrini Shrine is a nonprofit, religious organization and we are self-supporting. Our annual budget is nearly $3 million dollars and we rely on donations, retreat fees and sales from our gift shop. We are thankful for generous financial support from visitors, friends, businesses, the local community and all others who wish to promote the mission of Mother Cabrini Shrine and help us carry forth the great legacy of St. Frances Cabrini.
Gifts may be made for a specific dollar amount, a percentage of the total estate or the residuum remaining after all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests have been paid. Specific bequests of property such as real estate may also be made.
In exchange for a gift of cash or securities, the Cabrini Fund, Inc. will guarantee to pay you and/or another beneficiary a specified annuity. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways of making a gift, and in addition to the current charitable deduction, a portion of each annuity payment is income tax free.
What has become very popular in recent years is naming a charity as a beneficiary in one’s tax deferred retirement plan such as an IRA, Keough Plan, 401(k) plans and 403(b) plans. The distribution from any of these plans would take place after your death and may be very taxwise for your family.
Policies that are no longer needed for family protection or business purposes make excellent charitable gifts, regardless of whether or not all of the premiums have been paid. When ownership of the policy is irrevocably assigned to Cabrini Mission Foundation, the cash value of the policy is a tax deductible gift, as are all future premium payments. By establishing new life insurance policies, specifically for Cabrini Mission Foundation, a donor is able to make a substantial gift for a relatively modest annual outlay.
Charitable remainder unitrusts or annuity trusts enable you to make a significant gift to the Foundation while protecting or greatly improving your personal financial position. You and/or another named beneficiary will receive the income from the trust for your life, and you also receive an immediate income tax deduction. Tax savings are increased if appreciated securities are used to fund the trust because of capital gains tax considerations.
The Mother Cabrini Legacy Society has been created to unite the Cabrinian family together to accept Mother Cabrini’s challenge to “help the missions entrusted to the Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart by offerings and service.” The Society specifically focuses on charitable and estate planning and the structuring of bequests and planned giving options. These gifts represent the desire of individuals to give back, to do more, and to make a difference in the world.
For more information about planned giving, the Mother Cabrini Legacy Society, or to become a member contact us.
There are several options for naming opportunities to honor or remember a family member or loved one at the Shrine. Please fill out the information below and the plaque will be ordered and placed where requested. Please note that plastic or silk flowers, photos, decorations and other landscape alterations are not permitted and will be removed. Thank you!
located at the top of the steps near the statue of the Sacred Heart — $250
located in the grotto chapel — $100
Individuals can be perpetually placed in the Mother Cabrini Shrine Spiritual Enrollment Book in the main chapel and will share in the Masses, prayers and works of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please fill out the information below and a card will be sent to the recipient of the Spiritual Enrollment.
Mother Cabrini Shrine Gala 2024
Friday, November 22 at 5:30 p.m.
Pinnacle Club at the Grand Hyatt, Denver
Please click here for Gala 2024 details and to register for tickets and sponsor tables.
Join us for a night of celebration! The 23rd Annual Mother Cabrini Shrine Gala is not only a celebration of Mother Cabrini, but of the people who continue to make the Shrine what it is today. For over 70 years, Mother Cabrini Shrine has been a sanctuary that provides spiritual nourishment to visitors who come to seek the peace and tranquility found on the holy ground. The recent chapel expansion and renovations to our gift shop and retreat facilities will enhance the Shrine so that our visitors can have the best experience possible for decades to come. The legacy of Mother Cabrini lives on in her collaborators through the work of the Shrine. We are reminded of her courageous service to Colorado in our state’s Cabrini Day holiday as well as in the recently released movie titled "Cabrini", which is now streaming on Amazon Prime. The timeless and timely themes of her life will be celebrated and the mission is to use Mother Cabrini’s life story to inspire, motivate and give hope to both young and old, from generation to generation, now and into the future.
Daily Mass
Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m.
Saturday 8:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass
8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. in English
2:00 p.m. in Spanish
Tuesdays from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. in English
Saturdays immediately after the 8 a.m. Mass in English or Spanish
Holy Week & Easter
Holy Thursday
Mass 7:00 p.m.
Good Friday
Seven Last Words 12 p.m.
Liturgy of the Passion 2 p.m.
Holy Saturday
Easter Vigil 8 p.m.
Easter Sunday
Mass 8 a.m. 11 a.m. English
2 p.m. Spanish
7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.